Atlanta Weekend Guide

We LOVE Atlanta. Need to know what to do in Atlanta this weekend? Each week we post an Atlanta Weekend Guide full of things to do in Atlanta this weekend.

Atlanta weekend guide: Sept 1

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
September 8 - 10


arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • John Cusack announced his return to Atlanta Symphony Hall on Sunday, September 10, 2023 for a screening of Grosse Pointe Blank and a Q&A to follow.
  • A new exhibit, “In the City of Light: Paris, 1850–1920” opens at the High Museum of Art on Friday. 
  • The exhibit, “The Many Lives of Andrew Young” is on display at The Carter Presidential Library and Museum through Oct. 1. 
  • Summer Tunes Concert with Chris Hart, James Lavender, and Alexa Laine! – Friday, September 8 · 7:30 – 10pm EDT
  • Horizon Theatre presents “Rooted” starting Friday and running through Sept. 24. 
  • English” is playing on the Hertz Stage through Sept. 17.
  • Shakespeare Tavern opens “Troilus and Cressida” on Saturday. It will run through Sept. 24.
  • Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See,” opens at the Atlanta History Center on Saturday and runs through Sept 17. 
  • Every weekend through December (weather permitting), Creator’s Market sets up on the green at Atlantic Station. The market features more than a dozen vendors selling hand-crafted products including jewelry, home décor, soaps and candles.

More fun things!

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Mark your calendars for BBQ & Bands on October 22 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. We are excited to share that BBQ & Bands is being brought to you this year by presenting partner, Ford’s BBQ. Proceeds from the festival will continue to benefit The Solarium at Historic Scottish Rite and their Community Grant Program. This year’s festival will feature FREE entry, a variety of BBQ and food options, beer, live music, a vendor marketplace, and more. Tasting and sip tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
  • One of the best hidden gems of Atlanta Festivals, the Porches and Pies Festival in Adair Park will take place on Saturday September 9, 2023
  • The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 11.30a-7p at Lang Carson Park.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: Sept 1 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: Sept 1

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
Labor Day Weekend


arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • A new exhibit, “In the City of Light: Paris, 1850–1920” opens at the High Museum of Art on Friday. 
  • Friday night brings Oasis to the High. Experience flow in yoga, practice art making and reflect with works of art.
  • Fourth Ward Historic Park is the site of the 14th annual Atlanta Hip Hop Day Festival, Saturday and Sunday.  Enjoy music on two stages, visit the vendors, grab a bite.
  • Horizon Theatre presents “Rooted” starting Friday and running through Sept. 24. 
  • The 2023 Essential Theatre Play Festival starts Friday at 7 Stages Theatre and runs through Sept. 3. 
  • The Atlanta Black Theatre Festival is a highly regarded marathon of curated entertainment. 
  • Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See,” opens at the Atlanta History Center on Saturday and runs through Sept 17. 
  • If you want a crash course on Shakespeare, go to the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Aug. 5 through. Sept. 3 and let the Atlanta Shakespeare Co. educate you with the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare.” It’s an irreverent, high-speed romp thorough his 37 plays all performed by three actors. Trust us; it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or heard before.
  • Every weekend through December (weather permitting), Creator’s Market sets up on the green at Atlantic Station. The market features more than a dozen vendors selling hand-crafted products including jewelry, home décor, soaps and candles.

More fun things!

  • Dragon Con descends on Atlanta starting Thursday and continuing through the weekend, with the really big parade right on Peachtree Street on Saturday. 
  • Atlanta Black Pride returns for its annual Labor Day weekend gathering. Attend the festival in Piedmont Park, participate in events especially for women and especially for men. Have fun.
  • The El Pum Pum Latin Festival brings Latin music to Lakewood Amphitheatre, but that’s not all. It’s also a cultural extravaganza, which includes The Pum Pum Market, full of unique crafts and goods from Latin artisans. Enjoy the festival from 2 until 5 p.m. on Sunday.
  • Fourth Ward Historic Park is the site of the 14th annual Atlanta Hip Hop Day Festival, Saturday and Sunday.  Enjoy music on two stages, visit the vendors, grab a bite.
  • Little 5 Points Business Association presents L5P Patio Parties which will include Bands, Wellness weekends, Comedians, Dance Parties, Open Mics, Poetry, Psychics, and many other unique events. 
  •  Every Saturday until Oct 15, zoo goers can enjoy the Goat Painting Wild Encounter at Zoo Atlanta. Join the animal care team and “VanGoat” the artist during a painting session. Your group chooses two colors for this unique work of art, and gets to take home the painting.
  • Midtown Atlanta Food and Cocktail Tour – Multiple days until 12/31/2023

For the family:

  • Don’t miss the Dragon Con parade if you want to enjoy some free time with the kids and their favorite characters!
  • Children’s Museum of Atlanta celebrates Latinx Heritage Month and the return of Dragon Con to Atlanta with TinyCON® and a rich array of events. August 22nd to 31st.
  • At the High, it’s Toddler Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon. The creativity of the little ones will be engaged through exploration of monthly topics with related artwork, art-making activities and self-guided tours. On Saturday from 1 until 3 p.m. Family Art Escapes gives families an opportunity to create, collaborate and investigate in the museum. On Saturday from 2 until 4 p.m., it’s Teen Art Afternoon, where teens paint their own baguette tote.
  • Aanika’s Elephants” is playing at Center for Puppetry Arts through Sept. 3. 
  • Jurassic World: The Exhibition is open at Pullman Yards through the end of the year. Walk through Jurassic World and see a Brachiosaurus, a Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. 
  • Dino Safari A Walk Thru Adventure 6/1/23 – 9/4/23 at North Point Mall 
  • Immersive Disney Animation is an innovative celebration that takes you inside the greatest films of Walt Disney Animation Studios, from their very earliest, groundbreaking features to the beloved hit movies of today from 5/4/23 to 9/30/23.
  • “Shaun the Sheep: Flock this Way” opens Saturday at the Children’s Museum of Atlanta and runs through Sept. 4. 
  • Saturday at 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Craft Time for Kids East Atlanta Library
  • Running through Sept. 4 at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, “Survival of the Slowest” is all about slow-moving animals. (Live sloth and other animals!)

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Mark your calendars for BBQ & Bands on October 22 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. We are excited to share that BBQ & Bands is being brought to you this year by presenting partner, Ford’s BBQ. Proceeds from the festival will continue to benefit The Solarium at Historic Scottish Rite and their Community Grant Program. This year’s festival will feature FREE entry, a variety of BBQ and food options, beer, live music, a vendor marketplace, and more. Tasting and sip tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
  • One of the best hidden gems of Atlanta Festivals, the Porches and Pies Festival in Adair Park will take place on Saturday September 9, 2023
  • The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 11.30a-7p at Lang Carson Park.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: Sept 1 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: August 24

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
august 25th - 27th, 2023


arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • National Cinema Day – $4 movies around town including at our favorite: Spring Cinema and Tap
  • Trap Sushi Pop-up Party fusing Atlanta and Japanese pop culture on Saturday from 6 until 9 p.m. at the High Museum of Art. Freshly rolled sushi, a signature cocktail and visit the gaming lounge to try your hand at a video game.
  • Admission will be free on Saturday at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so reserve yours early.
  • The BronzeLens Film Festival begins on Wednesday and continues through Sunday. The BronzeLens Film Festival promotes Atlanta as a film mecca for people of color. The festival showcases films created by people of color and provides networking opportunities.
  • Concerts this week include: Nathan AngeloPretty LightsShaktiLos Amantes PerfectosMiles Nielsen, and Sean McConnell.
  • Horizon Theatre presents “Rooted” starting Friday and running through Sept. 24. 
  • The 2023 Essential Theatre Play Festival starts Friday at 7 Stages Theatre and runs through Sept. 3. 
  • Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See,” opens at the Atlanta History Center on Saturday and runs through Sept 17. 
  • If you want a crash course on Shakespeare, go to the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Aug. 5 through. Sept. 3 and let the Atlanta Shakespeare Co. educate you with the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare.” It’s an irreverent, high-speed romp thorough his 37 plays all performed by three actors. Trust us; it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or heard before.
  • Every weekend through December (weather permitting), Creator’s Market sets up on the green at Atlantic Station. The market features more than a dozen vendors selling hand-crafted products including jewelry, home décor, soaps and candles

More fun things!

  • Say good-bye to summer this weekend at the Grant Park Summer Shade Festival. Listen to music (or dance to it) while grabbing a bite and a sip at the food market and shopping at the Artists’ Market. Proceeds benefit the Grant Park Conservancy.
  • Friday night is Asian Night at Pullman Yards. Expect Asian-American Pacific Islander artists, crafters, food vendors and organizations presenting an evening of arts, culture and food. The market is open from 5 until 10 p.m.
  • The Cobb County International Festival will be held 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, August 26. This free event will feature a wide variety of local and international music and art, eclectic dancing, delicious culinary options, imaginative crafts, beautiful jewelry, a kids’ corner, and many other vendors.
  • Live at the Battery Atlanta and Terrapin Taproom are taking over The Battery Atlanta once again with one of your favorite local beer festivals presented by Terrapin Beer Company! Time for an afternoon of over 100 local beers to sample, food vendors, live music, and more!
  • Every year the Fox Theatre pays homage to its history as a movie palace with its annual Coca Cola Summer Film Festival! The 2023 Summer Film Festival will host an array of anniversary titles starting at $15 (plus applicable fees) over the course of three days at the end of August. Tickets are on sale now at
  • Little 5 Points Business Association presents L5P Patio Parties which will include Bands, Wellness weekends, Comedians, Dance Parties, Open Mics, Poetry, Psychics, and many other unique events. 
  •  Every Saturday until Oct 15, zoo goers can enjoy the Goat Painting Wild Encounter at Zoo Atlanta. Join the animal care team and “VanGoat” the artist during a painting session. Your group chooses two colors for this unique work of art, and gets to take home the painting.
  • Midtown Atlanta Food and Cocktail Tour – Multiple days until 12/31/2023

For the family:

  • Children’s Museum of Atlanta celebrates Latinx Heritage Month and the return of Dragon Con to Atlanta with TinyCON® and a rich array of events. August 22nd to 31st.
  • Friday brings Teen Night at the High, from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m.
  • Aanika’s Elephants” is playing at Center for Puppetry Arts through Sept. 3. 
  • Jurassic World: The Exhibition is open at Pullman Yards through the end of the year. Walk through Jurassic World and see a Brachiosaurus, a Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. 
  • Dino Safari A Walk Thru Adventure 6/1/23 – 9/4/23 at North Point Mall 
  • Immersive Disney Animation is an innovative celebration that takes you inside the greatest films of Walt Disney Animation Studios, from their very earliest, groundbreaking features to the beloved hit movies of today from 5/4/23 to 9/30/23.
  • “Shaun the Sheep: Flock this Way” opens Saturday at the Children’s Museum of Atlanta and runs through Sept. 4. 
  • Saturday at 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Craft Time for Kids East Atlanta Library
  • Running through Sept. 4 at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, “Survival of the Slowest” is all about slow-moving animals. (Live sloth and other animals!)

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Mark your calendars for BBQ & Bands on October 22 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. We are excited to share that BBQ & Bands is being brought to you this year by presenting partner, Ford’s BBQ. Proceeds from the festival will continue to benefit The Solarium at Historic Scottish Rite and their Community Grant Program. This year’s festival will feature FREE entry, a variety of BBQ and food options, beer, live music, a vendor marketplace, and more. Tasting and sip tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
  • One of the best hidden gems of Atlanta Festivals, the Porches and Pies Festival in Adair Park will take place on Saturday September 9, 2023
  • The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 11.30a-7p at Lang Carson Park.
  • Atlanta Black Pride Weekend is set to begin on Aug. 30 and continue through Sept. 5.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: August 24 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: August 19

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
august 17th - 19th, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • Recognized as one of the best outdoor festivals in Atlanta, the Piedmont Park Arts Festival returns to the heart of Midtown on Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • The third Friday of the month means it is Friday Jazz at the High Museum of Art. This weekend’s jazz is organized by Kebbi Williams. Friday Jazz will feature two musical areas where musicians will play throughout the evening, Grab a drink and a light bite, then tour the galleries.
  • Head back to Jess Lucas Park for the continuation of Hapeville’s Downtown Live Series with Wings & Strings this Saturday! 
  • 3 Doors Down is at Cadence Bank Amphitheatre this weekend.
  • A night of laughter and libations at Schoolhouse Brewing in Marietta on Friday, August 18th at 8pm. This Show is FREE and Donations are highly encouraged.
  • TEE Up ATL presents a charity concert at the Tabernacle in downtown Atlanta. Proceeds will benefit five local nonprofit organizations. 
  • The 2023 Essential Theatre Play Festival starts Friday at 7 Stages Theatre and runs through Sept. 3. 
  • Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See,” opens at the Atlanta History Center on Saturday and runs through Sept 17. 
  • If you want a crash course on Shakespeare, go to the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Aug. 5 through. Sept. 3 and let the Atlanta Shakespeare Co. educate you with the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare.” It’s an irreverent, high-speed romp thorough his 37 plays all performed by three actors. Trust us; it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or heard before.
  • Sketchin’ 9 to 5 is an all-new, live sketch comedy show that takes a fresh spin on all the work-a-day things we do to “bring home the bacon”. Directed by Jenny Stearns, with Assistant Director Amanda Vick, Sketchin’ 9 to 5 runs August 18 & 19, 8PM, at Frat Pack’s The Warehouse.

More fun things!

  • This weekend at Georgia Aquarium, Oceans and Autos invites you to immerse yourself in a world where land meets sea and innovation meets nature. As you marvel at the sea creatures gliding gracefully through their aquatic habitats, you also can admire the craftsmanship and designs of automobiles. This event occurs Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • NEW! – Reynoldstown Farmers Market at 100 Flat Shoals Ave  – Every Sunday August to October (We will be there this weekend, so stop by and say hi to us at the community table!)
  • Westside Motor Lounge is collaborating with Southern Misfit Studios to host a Paint Your Pet Party this Friday, August 18, from 7-9 p.m. 
  • Love never dies at Oakland Cemetery. The historic cemetery invites you to Nightfall Chronicles: Love Stories of Oakland. Grab your love for a unique date night (Friday at 7:30 p.m.). There will be a sunset walk through Oakland’s Victorian garden cemetery. Check-in begins at 7 p.m. The tour includes complimentary wine or beer with the bar opening at 7 p.m. and closings at 7:30 p.m. Purchase tickets in advance.
  • Little 5 Points Business Association presents L5P Patio Parties which will include Bands, Wellness weekends, Comedians, Dance Parties, Open Mics, Poetry, Psychics, and many other unique events. 
  •  Every Saturday until Oct 15, zoo goers can enjoy the Goat Painting Wild Encounter at Zoo Atlanta. Join the animal care team and “VanGoat” the artist during a painting session. Your group chooses two colors for this unique work of art, and gets to take home the painting.
  • Midtown Atlanta Food and Cocktail Tour – Multiple days until 12/31/2023

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Mark your calendars for BBQ & Bands on October 22 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. We are excited to share that BBQ & Bands is being brought to you this year by presenting partner, Ford’s BBQ. Proceeds from the festival will continue to benefit The Solarium at Historic Scottish Rite and their Community Grant Program. This year’s festival will feature FREE entry, a variety of BBQ and food options, beer, live music, a vendor marketplace, and more. Tasting and sip tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
  • One of the best hidden gems of Atlanta Festivals, the Porches and Pies Festival in Adair Park will take place on Saturday September 9, 2023
  • The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 11.30a-7p at Lang Carson Park.
  • Join TWO Urban Licks and raise a glass to its newest summer offering, Taco and Tequila Thursdays. Now through Aug. 31, you are invited to enjoy three chef’s choice tacos for $20 on the spacious, dog-friendly patio.
  • Atlanta Black Pride Weekend is set to begin on Aug. 30 and continue through Sept. 5.
  • For more the 20 years the historic Grant Park neighborhood bids adieu to summer with its ever-popular Summer Shade Festival – August 26th and 27th.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: August 19 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
august 11th - 13th, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • Beyoncé is in town. Need we say more?
  • In addition to the Queen herself, you can also see Jason Mraz, Gavin Degraw and more!
  • Friday from 6 until 9 p.m. visit the High Museum of Art for Oasis, the chance to reflect, connect, enjoy zero-proof beverages or a glass of wine. Participate in an art-making workshop, immerse yourself in peaceful sounds or browse the collection and exhibitions.   
  • It’s UPS Second Sunday from noon util 5 p.m. this weekend at the High. Admission is free, and you get to enjoy art-making activities and performances as well as he High’s collection and special exhibitions.
  • The Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) is throwing a party on the plaza on Sunday. It is a day of design-related activities on the plaza in front of MODA. 
  • The 2023 Essential Theatre Play Festival starts Friday at 7 Stages Theatre and runs through Sept. 3. 
  • Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See,” opens at the Atlanta History Center on Saturday and runs through Sept 17. 
  • If you want a crash course on Shakespeare, go to the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Aug. 5 through. Sept. 3 and let the Atlanta Shakespeare Co. educate you with the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare.” It’s an irreverent, high-speed romp thorough his 37 plays all performed by three actors. Trust us; it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or heard before.
  • Sketchin’ 9 to 5 is an all-new, live sketch comedy show that takes a fresh spin on all the work-a-day things we do to “bring home the bacon”. Directed by Jenny Stearns, with Assistant Director Amanda Vick, Sketchin’ 9 to 5 runs August 12, 18 & 19, 8PM, at Frat Pack’s The Warehouse! 
  • Murder Mystery Dinner at New Realm Brewing – Friday 7PM – 9PM 

More fun things!

  • NEW! – Reynoldstown Farmers Market at 100 Flat Shoals Ave  – Every Sunday August to October (We will be there this weekend, so stop by and say hi to us at the community table!)
  • Friday is Sips Under the Sea: Beach Night at Georgia Aquarium. This event for aquarium goers age 21 and older is a chance to tour the galleries, listen to music grab a bite and enjoy a cocktail. 
  • Atlanta Black Restaurant Week runs through Aug. 14. 
  • Groovin’ on the Green Back to School Bash Brook Run Park and Playground – Saturday from 6 PM – 9 PM.
  • Marking the event of the summer, Live! at the Battery will welcome Atlantans and visitors alike to uncork and unwind at their third-annual 21+ wine festival Atlanta Wine Walk.
  • BeREGGAE Music & Arts Festival comes to Piedmont Park Aug. 11-13 for a fundraiser designed for the HOF Foundation and its programs centered around education and economic empowerment of Black families.
  • Ponce De Leon Branch Library Book Sale this Saturday from 10 – 2.
  •  Every Saturday until Oct 15, zoo goers can enjoy the Goat Painting Wild Encounter at Zoo Atlanta. Join the animal care team and “VanGoat” the artist during a painting session. Your group chooses two colors for this unique work of art, and gets to take home the painting.
  • Midtown Atlanta Food and Cocktail Tour – Multiple days until 12/31/2023

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Recognized as one of the best outdoor festivals in Atlanta, the Piedmont Park Arts Festival returns to the heart of Midtown on Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • One of the best hidden gems of Atlanta Festivals, the Porches and Pies Festival in Adair Park will take place on Saturday September 9, 2023
  • The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 11.30a-7p at Lang Carson Park.
  • Join TWO Urban Licks and raise a glass to its newest summer offering, Taco and Tequila Thursdays. Now through Aug. 31, you are invited to enjoy three chef’s choice tacos for $20 on the spacious, dog-friendly patio.
  • Atlanta Black Pride Weekend is set to begin on Aug. 30 and continue through Sept. 5.
  • For more the 20 years the historic Grant Park neighborhood bids adieu to summer with its ever-popular Summer Shade Festival – August 26th and 27th.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
august 4th - 6th, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

More fun things!

For the family:

  • Rise and Dine with the Animals, where you can enjoy a catered breakfast* by Proof of the Pudding while also enjoying an early morning view of the animals as they get ready to start their day.
  • Saturday from 2 until 4 p.m. it’s Teen Art Afternoon at the High Museum of Art. The event celebrates the opening of the High’s “Metamorphosis” exhibition of adolescent art. You may create your own blackout poetry, make a caterpillar-to-butterfly paper towel roll and see the exhibition that showcases growth and change. 
  • Bring the little ones to Toddler Saturday at the High Museum of Art. From 10 a.m. until noon, children ages 15 months through 3 years old (and their caregivers) are invited to the event, which engages creativity through exploration of monthly topics with related artwork, art-making activities and self-guided tours.
  • Jurassic World: The Exhibition is open at Pullman Yards through the end of the year. Walk through Jurassic World and see a Brachiosaurus, a Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. 
  • Lego Club at Joan P. Garner Library at Ponce (multiple dates until August 3rd)
  • Take the family strawberry picking!
  • Dino Safari A Walk Thru Adventure 6/1/23 – 9/4/23 at North Point Mall 
  • Immersive Disney Animation is an innovative celebration that takes you inside the greatest films of Walt Disney Animation Studios, from their very earliest, groundbreaking features to the beloved hit movies of today from 5/4/23 to 9/30/23.
  • “Shaun the Sheep: Flock this Way” opens Saturday at the Children’s Museum of Atlanta and runs through Sept. 4. 
  • Saturday at 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Craft Time for Kids East Atlanta Library
  • Running through Sept. 4 at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, “Survival of the Slowest” is all about slow-moving animals. (Live sloth and other animals!)

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Recognized as one of the best outdoor festivals in Atlanta, the Piedmont Park Arts Festival returns to the heart of Midtown on Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • BeREGGAE Music & Arts Festival comes to Piedmont Park Aug. 11-13 for a fundraiser designed for the HOF Foundation and its programs centered around education and economic empowerment of Black families.
  • Join TWO Urban Licks and raise a glass to its newest summer offering, Taco and Tequila Thursdays. Now through Aug. 31, you are invited to enjoy three chef’s choice tacos for $20 on the spacious, dog-friendly patio.
  • Atlanta Black Pride Weekend is set to begin on Aug. 30 and continue through Sept. 5.
  • For more the 20 years the historic Grant Park neighborhood bids adieu to summer with its ever-popular Summer Shade Festival – August 26th and 27th.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
July 21st - 23rd, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

  • “Wicked” is at the Fox from July 6th to 30th! (We saw this in NYC recently and highly recommend it.) 
  • The third Friday of each month brings Friday Jazz to the High Museum of Art. There will be drinks and light bites plus the opportunity to stroll the galleries and take a docent-led tour.
  • Every Saturday until Oct 15, zoo goers can enjoy the Goat Painting Wild Encounter at Zoo Atlanta. Join the animal care team and “VanGoat” the artist during a painting session. Your group chooses two colors for this unique work of art, and gets to take home the painting.
  • Get ready for a queer reimagining of Shakespeare’s most gender-bending comedy, “Twelfth Night.” Instead of a forest, the action occurs in Provincetown. Vi falls for Reece, and a “Bad Romance” begins. See it Saturday and Sunday.
  • “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” opens Saturday at Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse and runs through July 23.
  • Horizon presents “The House that will not Stand” through Aug. 6. The play is a story of desire, jealousy, murder and voodoo.
  • As the weather warms up, be sure you check out some of these Summer Concerts:

More fun things!

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Recognized as one of the best outdoor festivals in Atlanta, the Piedmont Park Arts Festival returns to the heart of Midtown on Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • BeREGGAE Music & Arts Festival comes to Piedmont Park Aug. 11-13 for a fundraiser designed for the HOF Foundation and its programs centered around education and economic empowerment of Black families.
  • Join TWO Urban Licks and raise a glass to its newest summer offering, Taco and Tequila Thursdays. Now through Aug. 31, you are invited to enjoy three chef’s choice tacos for $20 on the spacious, dog-friendly patio.
  • A Taste of Nigeria Festival comes back to Atlanta with art, music, dance, comedy, drama, a fashion show and market Aug. 5 at the Westside Cultural Arts Center.
  • Atlanta Black Pride Weekend is set to begin on Aug. 30 and continue through Sept. 5.
  • The 20th annual Atlanta Underground Film Festival takes place Aug. 3-6 at RoleCall Theater at Ponce City Market.
  • For more the 20 years the historic Grant Park neighborhood bids adieu to summer with its ever-popular Summer Shade Festival. 
  • If you want a crash course on Shakespeare, go to the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Aug. 5 through. Sept. 3 and let the Atlanta Shakespeare Co. educate you with the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare.” It’s an irreverent, high-speed romp thorough his 37 plays all performed by three actors. Trust us; it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or heard before.
  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: July 21, 2023 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: July 13, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
July 13th - 17th, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

More fun things!

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: July 13, 2023 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: June 21, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
July 6th - 10th, 2023

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

More fun things!

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: June 21, 2023 Read More »

Atlanta weekend guide: June 21, 2023

weekend guide

THings to do in atlanta this weekend:
June 29, 2023 - July 4th

arts and comedy things to do in atlanta

Art & comedy

More fun things!

For the family:

Sports, fitness & outdoors:

Plan ahead for these Coming soon events:

  • Don’t forget to grab your Kirkwood Wine Stroll Tickets before the prices go up or tickets sell out!


Atlanta weekend guide: June 21, 2023 Read More »