Regular Car Cleanings
Members receive regular auto detailing that will protect their investment and extend the life of their car. Dirt and debris can eventually eat away at the finish and paint, damaging the metal beneath. Protecting your interior with regular auto detailing reduces wear and tear and preserves the value of your vehicle.
Exclusive Discounts
Mint Members receive exclusive discounts for their regularly scheduled auto detailing. Our membership levels and their associated discounts are listed below. If life plans change and you need to cancel your membership, you can cancel anytime after 90 days without any cancellation fee.
Automated Scheduling
We will schedule your auto detail services in advance, send you reminders before each visit, and alert you when we are on our way. You will be invoiced after each detail and your discount will be included. If you ever need to move a detailing date, just call or text us within 48 hours of your appointment to let us know. We will be happy to adjust the schedule.

Mint Membership package pricing

More details on what is included in each package can be found here:
Become a member today
Members receive regular auto detailings that protect their investment and extend the life and value of their car.
Please fill out this form to join today. We will get you set up and reach out to you shortly.
By providing your information or contacting us, you are agreeing to receive text messages from our business.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If you need to cancel your appointment at any time, please provide at least 72 hours notice. Our employees have families and count on their appointments to make a living. With a 72 hour notice we can always fill your vacant spot with another client. Any cancellation inside the 72 hour window will be subject to a $50 fee per vehicle cancelled. This fee is split between the employees who are unable to work that day due to the cancellation(s). Please be aware of the arrival window for your appointment. Techs will also text when they are on their way. If a vehicle is not available for cleaning within 15 mins of the time of our arrival, there will be a $50 late fee charged to the account.